Payment institutions and electronic money institutions (“Payment Institutions”) providing payment services and issuing electronic money pursuant to Act No. 284/2009 Coll., on Payment Systems shall ensure a continuous performance of internal control - compliance and internal audit in the company.
COMPLY offers external compliance and internal audit services to Payment Institutions operating in the Czech Republic.
The service includes the following activities:
- Creation and continuous revision of internal regulations of the Payment Institution (ensuring compliance with the legal regulations and opinions of ČNB)
- Continuous internal control of compliance with legal obligations when providing payment services, and the management of governance and control systems of the Payment Institution
- Training of the Payment Institution’s employees
- Coordination of communication with the ČNB (requests, state control, registration procedures, etc.)
- Coordination of complaints and clients’ claims
- Consultation and advice to the Payment Institution’s employees
- Communicating legislative changes relevant to the activity of a Payment Institution
- Coordination of measures to eliminate money laundering and terrorism financing (AML)
The service includes the following activities:
- Preparation of an annual internal audit plan
- Preparation of a medium-term internal audit plan
- Performance of individual audits in accordance with an annual internal audit plan, writing reports about the audits performed
- Preparation of a Payment Institution’s risk analysis
- Continuous monitoring and control of the remedial measures imposed on the basis of the internal audit findings
- Preparation of the final annual internal audit report, including the evaluation of the functionality and effectiveness of the Payment Institution’s management and control system
- Informing the Payment Institution’s management of the findings